Friday, May 23, 2008

excuse me?

a quiet moment between the boys, after a cozy pot-luck hosted by kate and jamie.

erin and richard brought a jewel-toned beet salad, i added tender pulled pork and fresh whole-grain rolls, kate grilled veggies and prepared a yummy brown rice pilaf. she also served as someillier divine.

david popped a few lacteeze in order to gobble up the slaughter womens' chocolate brownies and coconut-oat cookies....and the st. jacob apple crumble pie...

hmmm, perhaps he is burping.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

spider telephone

just in case you were wondering what one looked like...



there is a reason why the dandelion needs to spread its' faery wings so steadily, and why those sunny blossoms burst out hourly in the early spring...(although i imagine the popularity of the rose has somewhat reduced the pressure to produce innumerable blooms)...

yes, it shares the fierce determination of any new spring being, but also enjoys the added pressure of the traditional spring hunt; mother's day.

dimpled fingers nimbly snap stem after stem, in order to gather great pompons of dusty yellow blooms, and clear lawns, verges and boulevards of their gold.

my first bouquet of these flowers arrived this year, tangled in the sturdy hands of my almost-three-year-old. the scent is almost misty, the lemony glow darkening as the flowers continue to mature in their jam-jar vase, to produce the fluffy heads needed for success this coming spring.

thank you, dear dandelion, for the tireless production of the sweetest of children's gifts, and for sprinkling the gardens with irresistible booty.